Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving/Healthy Eating

Sorry it's been awhile since I have updated this website- between being sick for awhile and being busy I just couldn't get around to it. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their families.

Around Thanksgiving our class talked about what it meant to be thankful and we discussed what we are thankful for. We agreed that we are thankful for our families, friends, school, food, sleep, and toys. We made a class book about what our class was thankful for (each child contributed their own page to the book). We also practiced our patterning skills by decorating turkeys with colored feathers to make a pattern.

This past week we talked about what we could do to keep our bodies healthy. We primarily focused on eating healthy, but we also talked about hand-washing and brushing our teeth as well. Scrubby Bear came to visit to talk to us about washing our hands the right way (using soap and water, scrubbing the tops, bottoms, and in between) before eating and after using the bathroom.

We talked about the different food groups and looked at the food pyramid. We read Show-down at the Food Pyramid about the different food groups and how we have to limit junkfood (sweets and oils) so we don't get sick. We discussed how eating a little bit of sweets and junkfood is okay as long as we only eat a little and we brush our teeth.

Here are some pictures from this week (sorry there aren't many, next week there should be a lot more since we will be doing Gingerbread activities).

 Pattern Turkeys

Scrubby Bear came to visit!

Science center- sorting foods by food group

 Writing center- food group book writing (sweets/oils group entry)

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