This year your child will be working on learning the following:
Math Skills
*Counting orally
*Counting objects using 1:1 correspondence (touching each object while accurately counting)
*Identifying numbers, shapes, and colors
*Recognizing and producing patterns
*Sorting objects based on similar characteristics
*Identifying upper and lower case letters and the sounds they make
*Recognizing that letters have sounds and that they make words
*Identifying and writing first and last name
*Identifying simple sight words
*Identifying the roles of the author and illustrator of a story
*Retelling main events of a story
*Drawing a picture based on events in a story
*Drawing a picture to tell a story
*Drawing a picture to tell about a topic of study (butterfly life cycle, plant life cycle, change of seasons, etc.)
*Following classroom and school rules and routines
*Being a good friend- sharing, using words to solve problems/express feelings, being respectful to others
*Making good choices even when upset
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