Our Class Info

Miss Sourwine's Pre-K Class Info

*Please see check the Meet the Teacher Night packet that went home- inside you will find my cell phone number, please feel free to call or text me during the day if you need to give me a message (ex. running late, concerns, etc.)

*Please make sure that your child comes to school each day with:
*appropriate footwear (no open-toed shoes)
*a jacket or sweater (we will go outside for recess unless it is raining or too cold.

*Your child needs to have an extra change of clothing at school at all times. If your child needs to use the extra clothing please replace it as soon as possible.

*The Lending Library book program will start the first week of October. A participation agreement form will be going home soon- if you would like to participate please sign and return the form after you receive it. Every Friday your child will bring home a bag of 5 books, the bag will be due back to school the following Thursday. 

*Homework- homework will be sent home once weekly probably starting in October. The homework will involve name writing practice, and a skill that we are working on that week (letter, number, shape, etc.). 

1 comment:

  1. The picture are adorable.

    Ms Haynes Armani Watkins mother
