Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Pre-K Class Election

Today we  read Duck for President and we talked about what it means to vote and who a president is. We learned that when we vote we pick one thing/person we like the best. A teacher is in charge of a classroom, a principal is in charge of a school, and the President is in charge of everyone!

We had our own election today in our classroom. Our candidates were Duck, who wanted more recess, Pig, who wanted more center time, and Cow, who wanted to take away snack time. Some students commented that they wouldn't vote for Cow because taking away snack time wasn't fair. Each child picked the candidate they liked the best, colored a picture of them, and then voted on a ballot using a BINGO marker. Then we counted the votes and graphed the results as a class.

Our Candidates

Coloring the picture of who they support

Voting on the ballots

Showing which candidate we support

The results are in.....

Duck is the winner! More recess for everyone!

Surprisingly Pig and Cow were tied....despite Cow not wanting snack time. Maybe our friends would rather have a longer nap time/quiet play time than take the time to eat? Voting results can definitely be interesting!

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