Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gingerbread Week!

This past week we read 5 different versions of the Gingerbread Man. We read The Gingerbread Boy, The Gingerbread Girl, The Gingerbread Baby, The Gingerbread Cowboy, and The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School. We discussed how the characters in each story were different, and how some of the endings were different. The kids really enjoyed reading these stories and discussing them.

We incorporated the gingerbread theme into our centers and daily activities. The dramatic play center became a bakery where the kids dressed up in aprons and chef hats and pretended to bake donuts, cupcakes and cakes, and gingerbread men of course. The playdough center had gingerbread scented playdough, cookie cutters and rolling pins. We decorated gingerbread men at the art center and made cinnamon and applesauce gingerbread man ornaments. The math center had a gingerbread man counting activity, and the listening center had The Gingerbread Boy available for the students to hear multiple times.

On Friday we read The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School . This story was about a class who made their own gingerbread man and left him to cool while they went to a special. The Gingerbread Man tried to find his class and therefore was running around the school. The kids really enjoyed this story and I actually hid a gingerbread man cut-out throughout our classroom and school during the day. Each child had a turn to find him and we are going to make a class book showing where we caught The Gingerbread Man. We also made our own gingerbread cookies.

It was a very busy week, I hope you enjoy all of the pictures!

Dramatic Play Center- Sweet Treats Bakery

Playdough Center- Gingerbread Playdough

Art Center- Making Gingerbread Ornaments

Using a recipe to make Gingerbread Cookies

Cookies are cut and almost ready to bake

 Taste test time! 

Thumbs up or thumbs down.

Gingerbread Man Loose in Our School!

*This coming week we will be talking about holidays that people celebrate. We will be doing letter Hh for holiday and Hanukkah. We will also talk about how people celebrate Kwanzaa and Christmas. We will only be talking about how people celebrate holidays- religious beliefs will not be discussed.

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