Saturday, September 8, 2012

Welcome to Pre-K!

Hello Everyone!

We began our Pre-K adventure this week by learning our classroom and school rules, as well as practicing routines. We have been working on walking in a quiet line, and sitting on the rug for whole group activities. We began to explore the materials in the centers and we learned how to clean up the centers.  We are also working on learning the names of our teachers and our new friends. Below you will see some of the fun that we had this week!

New friends on the first day of school
Miss S. and Miss Robinson helping with arrival table activities.
Miss Robinson showing a friend our calendar and weather  routine
Mrs. Rourke (Mrs. Kennedy's substitute working at the play-doh center

Playing with potato heads
One of our builders
New building buddies 
Working together
Dramatic Play Center 
Playing with Legos
Deciding what to cook!
Chopping peas for lunch
More play-doh fun
Mrs. McCarthy helping with potato heads
Playing on the playground
Fun on the slides
More sliding fun
Relaxing during quiet time
Exhausted from all the fun we had this week!
*I took most of these pictures on Friday so if your child was not here on Friday there are probably limited pictures of him/her. Next week I will add more pictures as we continue to settle into our classroom routine.

The principal wanted me to tell the Pre-K parents a few things:
                     1. Pre-K children and their parents need to wait in the breakfast line with the other students, they cannot "cut" the line because they are in Pre-K.
                     2. Please say goodbye to your child in the cafeteria in the morning. It makes it very difficult for your child to transition into the classroom when you walk them down (it was fine the first few days but from now on goodbyes need to occur in the cafeteria). 

*Please make sure to check the "Important Dates" section of the blog- this Thursday night we will be having Meet the Teacher Night (there will be food provided and additional information about Pre-K and the school will be given out). Hope to see everyone there!

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