Sunday, April 21, 2013


It's been awhile since I have updated this due to testing and report cards, so I am going to split the pictures into 2 entries: Easter/Spring, and Farm.

The day before Spring break, NYSUT brought the Easter Bunny to visit us and read us a story. We each received a bag of treats as well.  During the week our sand table had Easter grass, stuffed bunnies, and Easter eggs instead of sand. The Easter eggs were separated, and each half had a capital or lower case letter on it. The children worked on trying to match and put the eggs back together again. Each morning during circle time, a few children were picked to find an Easter egg (when found they had to describe where they found it, they couldn't just point and say "there!" they had to use directional words). When they opened the egg they had to identify the number inside. At the art center we made letter R rabbits.

Easter Sand Table

Easter Bunny Visit

Circle Time Number Identification Activity

Letter R is for Rabbit

We talked about different types of weather and what the weather usually is like in the spring time. We discussed how we will probably have to wear rain coats and rain boots a lot because it rains often in the spring. The rain helps the plants grow. We also talked about how animals stop hibernating in the spring and lots of baby animals are born in the spring. Mr. Reuter brought in baby chicks for us to see. They had only hatched a few days before the visit. 

Spring clothes

Weather Writing

Rain drop and umbrella math (number matching)

Baby Chicks!

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