Saturday, January 26, 2013

Polar Animals

This week we learned about animals that live where it is very cold. We talked about how penguins, polar bears, seals, and walruses stay warm in their cold environments (penguins have feathers, polar bears have fur, seals and walruses have blubber). We learned that penguins are birds but they cannot fly, and they have flippers that help them swim. We did an experiment to see how blubber keeps seals and walruses warm- we put Crisco (fat) in a bag, then put one of our hands in another bag inside the bag with the Crisco (we were trying to avoid having Crisco everywhere). We then held an ice cube in our bare hand then in the "blubber hand" to see which hand stayed warmer. The hand in the bag of Crisco (blubber) stayed warmer.

For letter M this week we made polar bear masks, used modeling clay (which is drying over the weekend), and played with magnets at the science center. We learned that magnets stick to other magnets, and metal.

Next week we will be learning about ocean animals, shadows (for Groundhogs day) and letter O. We will also be having Show-and-Tell on Friday.

Blubber Experiment

Playing with magnets

M is for making models

Have a great weekend!

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