Sunday, May 5, 2013


We celebrated Earth Day on April 22 by talking about how we could keep the Earth clean. We discussed throwing away garbage in trash cans instead of on the ground outside, and recycling items like paper, cans, and bottles.

Over the past two weeks we have learned about plants; what they need to grow (water, sun, air, sometimes soil), and the plant life cycle (seed, root, stem, leaves, flower).  We read Jack and the Beanstalk  and then we grew our own bean stalks. We also did an experiment with white flowers and water with food coloring. To show how plants "drink" water we put food coloring in water and then put the stem of the flower in the water. Over the course of the day, the water went up the stem like a straw and turned the white flower a different color. We had red, yellow, blue, and green flowers by the end of the day.  In the sand table we had black beans, pots, shovels, gloves, aprons, and fake flowers to pretend that we were planting flowers. 

Earth Day


Gardeners at the Sand Table

Observing our bean seeds growing/completing a journal entry

Flowers made at the Art Center

Science Center- White flowers and food coloring experiment

Sunday, April 21, 2013


The past two weeks we have been learning about farms. We learned what kind of animals live on farms and some facts about each (hens lay eggs, cows make milk, pigs roll in the mud to keep cool). We learned that farmers take care of animals and grow plants. We made a big red barn scene outside of our classroom and we made a class quilt out of index cards for letter Qq. We also had a very special visit from the Albany Mounted Police. They let us pet their horse, Shay, and ask questions about her.

Pigs in Mud Math Center Activity

Farm Words Writing at the Writing Center

Building a Big Red Barn at the Block Center

Playing with Tractors, and Farm Animals at the Playdough Center

Our Big Red Barn 

Our Class Quilt

A Visit from the Albany Mounted Police